30,000 fake items worth Dh65,810 seized in UAE.
More than 30,000 pieces of counterfeit goods worth Dh65,810 were seized by the Sharjah Economic Development Department (SEDD). The confiscated fake items included 24,634 air bag covers, 5,508 emblems for automobile companies and 44 front headers for cars. The crackdown comes following a slew of complaints made by trademark owners and as part of the department’s efforts to monitor the market while confronting all negative phenomena as well as violations. Sultan Abdullah bin Hadda Al Suwaidi, SEDD chairman, said that the department is committed to protect the market in the emirate from harmful goods and prevent circulation of counterfeits. Commercial frauds to achieve material gains at the cost of endangering people’s safety will not be tolerated at all, he pointed out. The department will carry out more campaigns to banish all traders who try to make quick and illegal profits so people don’t buy unsafe products, he said.
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