Law enforcement personnel seized more than 7,600 counterfeit products during a special operation targeting counterfeiting in shopping malls and stores near Guangzhou Railway Station in the Yuexiu district of Guangdong’s provincial capital on Sunday.
The fake products were seized during investigations of 17 cases and included leather goods, clothing, shoes, cosmetics and watches suspected of having infringed on the exclusive rights of trademarked brands such as Hermes, Dior, LV, Gucci and Versace, according to a statement released by the Guangzhou market supervision administration on Tuesday.
The special operation, which was jointly launched by the administration and the public security bureau of Guangzhou, the city’s Yuexiu and Baiyun districts and local neighborhood committees, dealt a heavy blow to counterfeiting activities surrounding Guangzhou Railway Station, where many bazaars and shopping malls are located, the administration said.