Counterfeiting: don’t let it ruin your Christmas
It has been reported that the sale and distribution of counterfeit goods seems to escalate during the Christmas season. Counterfeit goods are everywhere, from fake clothing and detergents to poor quality toys which is particularly problematic at this time of the year. As a consumer, you may choose to buy counterfeit goods and therefore are prepared to take the risk that the goods are in some way sub-standard but what about the increasing number of us who end up with counterfeit goods believing we had purchased the genuine item? A consumer could be left with a product they are disappointed with, and the legitimate brand owner is left with potentially declining profits and dwindling goodwill in the brand. For all businesses, it is becoming increasingly important to understand where your product stands in the marketplace. If you have a suspicion that someone may be selling your product on-line or they are copying your brand identity or producing counterfeit products, there are options available to you to ensure that you do not lose any further money, brand reputation, or customers. Expert Investigations, a nationwide commercial detective investigation agency have a wealth of experience investigating counterfeit product cases working on behalf of Intellectual property firms, authorities and brand owners.
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