Judiciary Roundtable on Smuggling, Counterfeiting and Piracy, Chandigarh
12/07/2014 | Chandigarh
FICCI CASCADE (Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy) in association with the Chandigarh Judicial Academy organized a Judiciary roundtable on Smuggling, Counterfeiting and Piracy on July 12 at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy. The objective of the roundtable was to focus on issues and challenges, which the Judiciary is expected to address in resolving IP disputes in view of the changing scenario of technology and trade policies and development of the law on the subject.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Chief Justice, High Court of Punjab and Haryana was the chief guest at the event. Hon’ble Justice pointed out that though the topic of smuggling, counterfeiting and piracy is important; it has only received selective importance. He further stated that IPR is creation of human minds and these creations needs to be rewarded. However, reward will only come if it is protected. With the advancement of technology the situation has become complex and needs greater protection. Hon’ble Justice emphasized that law creation is one part but awareness creation is even more important. There is a large section that is not aware. Efforts should be made to make people aware of the legal provisions and protection available for counterfeiting, smuggling and piracy related activities.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, President, Board of Governors Chandigarh Judicial Academy and Judge, High Court of Punjab & Haryana in his special address congratulated FICCI for taking this initiative with the Chandigarh Judicial Academy in organizing the seminar which is of global importance. Hon’ble Justice remarked that a nation with strong IPR encourages both innovation and knowledge diffusion through IPR protection which in turn propels its economy. Hon’ble Justice said that India can deal with the menace of smuggling, counterfeiting and piracy with a strong IPR regime and by complying with international treaties.
Mr. Deep Chand I.P.S. (Retd.), Advisor, FICCI CASCADE in his address mentioned that the Judiciary plays an extremely vital role in our country providing legal remedies against violation of personal and property rights of the persons. The effective safeguard of the rights of right owners can be carried out by judiciary, with understanding of laws, statues and judgments. These analyses and verdicts form a definite type of law. But it is very essential that later on the same adjudication must be reliably followed. The judiciary must be able to comprehend intellectual property, identify intellectual property and predict the utility of the same. It is vital that the quantum of damage fixed in encroachment of intellectual property ought to be such that it not only protects the holder but also prevent any subsequent infringement.
Mr. Arun Chawla, Asst. Secretary General, FICCI welcomed the dignitaries and guests and stated that the costs of counterfeiting, piracy and smuggling are not only real, but are huge. With the increase in global trade and technological revolution, there has been an increase in IP crimes. Crimes relating to piracy, smuggling and counterfeiting have increased manifold in global market as a result of which the government, businesses, society and consumers are losing millions of rupees. Protection of Intellectual property is thus a vital element in encouraging research and innovation, international trade and investment, and sound economic growth and development. Mr. Chawla also shared the initiatives of the FICCI CASCADE in fighting the perils of smuggling and counterfeiting.
The inaugural session was followed by technical sessions. Eminent speakers from HP, Star India, ITC Ltd, Microsoft Corporations India Ltd, U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office, Motion Picture Association India, Thought Arbitrage Research Institute, Inttl Advocare and Delhi University discussed and deliberated on various aspects such as Intellectual Property – Scope of Rights and Enforcement – An Overview; Speedy Adjudication of IP Matters for the Growth of Indian Industry; International Best Practices for Curbing Counterfeiting and Smuggling; Linkages of Counterfeiting & Piracy to Cybercrime – Emerging Risks to National Security; Combating Content
Theft in M&E Industry; Illicit Market: Threat to National Security and Case Study & Laws related to Smuggling, Counterfeiting & Piracy.
The day-long programme was attended by 125 trainee judges and a number of sitting high court judges.
Lear MoreJudiciary Roundtable on Smuggling, Counterfeiting and Piracy, Chandigarh
12/7/2014 | Chandigarh
FICCI CASCADE (Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy) in association with the Chandigarh Judicial Academy organized a Judiciary roundtable on Smuggling, Counterfeiting and Piracy on July 12 at the Chandigarh Judicial Academy. The objective of the roundtable was to focus on issues and challenges, which the Judiciary is expected to address in resolving IP disputes in view of the changing scenario of technology and trade policies and development of the law on the subject.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Chief Justice, High Court of Punjab and Haryana was the chief guest at the event. Hon’ble Justice pointed out that though the topic of smuggling, counterfeiting and piracy is important; it has only received selective importance. He further stated that IPR is creation of human minds and these creations needs to be rewarded. However, reward will only come if it is protected. With the advancement of technology the situation has become complex and needs greater protection. Hon’ble Justice emphasized that law creation is one part but awareness creation is even more important. There is a large section that is not aware. Efforts should be made to make people aware of the legal provisions and protection available for counterfeiting, smuggling and piracy related activities.
Hon’ble Mr. Justice Surya Kant, President, Board of Governors Chandigarh Judicial Academy and Judge, High Court of Punjab & Haryana in his special address congratulated FICCI for taking this initiative with the Chandigarh Judicial Academy in organizing the seminar which is of global importance. Hon’ble Justice remarked that a nation with strong IPR encourages both innovation and knowledge diffusion through IPR protection which in turn propels its economy. Hon’ble Justice said that India can deal with the menace of smuggling, counterfeiting and piracy with a strong IPR regime and by complying with international treaties.
Mr. Deep Chand I.P.S. (Retd.), Advisor, FICCI CASCADE in his address mentioned that the Judiciary plays an extremely vital role in our country providing legal remedies against violation of personal and property rights of the persons. The effective safeguard of the rights of right owners can be carried out by judiciary, with understanding of laws, statues and judgments. These analyses and verdicts form a definite type of law. But it is very essential that later on the same adjudication must be reliably followed. The judiciary must be able to comprehend intellectual property, identify intellectual property and predict the utility of the same. It is vital that the quantum of damage fixed in encroachment of intellectual property ought to be such that it not only protects the holder but also prevent any subsequent infringement.
Mr. Arun Chawla, Asst. Secretary General, FICCI welcomed the dignitaries and guests and stated that the costs of counterfeiting, piracy and smuggling are not only real, but are huge. With the increase in global trade and technological revolution, there has been an increase in IP crimes. Crimes relating to piracy, smuggling and counterfeiting have increased manifold in global market as a result of which the government, businesses, society and consumers are losing millions of rupees. Protection of Intellectual property is thus a vital element in encouraging research and innovation, international trade and investment, and sound economic growth and development. Mr. Chawla also shared the initiatives of the FICCI CASCADE in fighting the perils of smuggling and counterfeiting.
The inaugural session was followed by technical sessions. Eminent speakers from HP, Star India, ITC Ltd, Microsoft Corporations India Ltd, U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office, Motion Picture Association India, Thought Arbitrage Research Institute, Inttl Advocare and Delhi University discussed and deliberated on various aspects such as Intellectual Property – Scope of Rights and Enforcement – An Overview; Speedy Adjudication of IP Matters for the Growth of Indian Industry; International Best Practices for Curbing Counterfeiting and Smuggling; Linkages of Counterfeiting & Piracy to Cyber crime – Emerging Risks to National Security; Combating Content
Theft in M&E Industry; Illicit Market: Threat to National Security and Case Study & Laws related to Smuggling, Counterfeiting & Piracy.
The day-long programme was attended by 125 trainee judges and a number of sitting high court judges.
Lear MoreConsumer Rally- Fight Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting, Jaipur
9/7/2014 | Jaipur
The market for fake, counterfeit and smuggled products is thriving in India and has become one of the biggest challenges faced by the Indian industry. Not only it is adversely impacting genuine stakeholders and industry, but also the government and consumers. This calls for a nationwide campaign to highlight the issue amongst the masses and to formulate a strong and effective course of action to eliminate the menace of illicit trade.
With this view, FICCI CASCADE with CANS (Consumer Action and Network Society) organised a Consumer Rally in Jaipur on 9th July, 2014. The rally witnessed a massive and enthusiastic participation of over 500 participants from across Jaipur, Rajasthan. Consumers and students with banners stating ‘Fight Smuggling’ and ‘So No to Fakes’ participated in the rally from the city.
Mr. Deep Chand flagged off the rally and stated that the Indian Government has initiated steps to address counterfeiting and smuggling. Two major efforts stand out. First, the legal framework is fairly well developed in India. Second, the government has taken steps to protect consumers’ health and safety from dangerous counterfeits through significant education efforts. Despite these actions, however, a study by FICCI shows that counterfeit and smuggling rates remain high. Mr. Deep Chand urged the consumers to be aware and fight against the menace unanimously.
Mr. Manish Pareek, Deputy Mayor, Jaipur was the chief guest at the event and congratulated FICCI CASCADE for having taken the step of initiating this consumer movement against counterfeit and smuggled goods. The Mayor agreed that initiating the pledge to not use fake products and to fight the menace of smuggling was in the larger interest of the nation’s economy. He said that the financial & economic loss caused due to the menace of smuggled and counterfeit products in Rajasthan is considerable and he assured his full support to the cause.
The rally observed that such events make everyone conspicuous of the responsibility and the need to eradicate the problem of smuggling and counterfeiting. Smuggling and counterfeiting today has deep roots in society and the impact is far more hazardous than expected to be.
Several steps are being taken by FICCI CASCADE and the government to create large-scale awareness among the most impacted segment of this menace: the consumer. The Consumer Rally organised in Jaipur is a part of a nation-wide awareness campaign of FICCI CASCADE to highlight the issue and focus on the growing menace of counterfeiting and smuggling.
FICCI CASCADE encourages the consumers to take up this cause and be a CASCADER as the citizens of the country are an important force to fight this socio-economic menace and must take a pledge that they would not buy fake and smuggled goods.
Socio-economic impact of Counterfeiting and Smuggling Capacity Building Programme, Faridabad
18/6/2014 | Faridabad
FICCI CASCADE (Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy) in association with the National Academy of Customs, Excise and Narcotics, (NACEN) organized a capacity building programme on the ‘Socio-Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Smuggling’ on June 18 at NACEN, Faridabad. The objective was to sensitize trainee officers of Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise) on the ill effects of counterfeiting and smuggling on the economy, and on the society as a whole.
Dr. G. Sreekumar Menon (IRS), Director General, NACEN, the Chief Guest at the programme, in his welcome remarks he stated that counterfeiting and smuggling wa a global problem of enormous scale, impacting human lives and virtually every industry sector around the world. India wa no exception, suffering significant economic and health & safety consequences as a result of widespread counterfeiting, piracy and smuggling in the country. Dr. Menon urged industry to make their products and services optimally priced so that consumers did not fall into the trap of the counterfeit and smuggled market.
Mr. P.C. Jha, Advisor, FICCI CASCADE and Ex-Chairman, Central Board of Excise and Customs gave a detailed overview on the Socio-Economic Impact of Counterfeiting and Smuggling. In his presentation Mr. Jha highlighted FICCI CASCADE’s initiatives to curb smuggling and counterfeiting through various awareness programmes engaging industry, policy makers, law enforcement officials, voluntary organizations, the youth and consumer at large. He added that that one of FICCI CASCADE’s mandates was capacity building of law enforcement agencies including for Judges, Police and Customs Officers and CASCADE has been working extensively in this area nationally, organizing training programmes and seminars along with continuous Interactions with the law enforcement authorities to emphasize on the importance of continued awareness and seriousness of the impact of counterfeit and smuggled goods.
Dr. Alka Chawla, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and Advisor, FICCI Intellectual Property Education Centre made a comprehensive overview on Intellectual Property – Scope of Rights and Enforcement. Key suggestions indicated by Dr. Chawla included Special Anti-piracy Tribunal; vigorous training of enforcement officials; Centralized National Body with power to enforce cross borders, among others.
Mr. Ravi Mathur, Chief Executive Officer, GS1, India talked about stopping counterfeits at borders. Mr. Mathur stated that Customs authorities were at the front line in the fight against counterfeiting and accounted for 70% of seizures in the world. He emphasized on a three point solution to address the issue:
Adoption of anti-counterfeit technologies to enable product authentication at packaging level
Implementation of Traceability System to enhance visibility across supply chains
Global engagement among regulators, standards bodies, industry and other supply chain stake-holders to ensure safe trade across borders
Mr. Mathur also briefed the participants on IPM (Interface Public Members), WCO’s tool against counterfeiting and suggested Indian Customs to implement IPM module to facilitate instant access and cross-checking of marking/labeling by Customs officials during inspection on cartons consignments with product information provided by rights holders.
Ms. Anshika Jha, Senior Intellectual Property Adviser, UK Intellectual Property Office, New Delhi took the participants through International Best Practices for Curbing Counterfeiting and Smuggling, highlighting key players and initiatives in the process of UK Intellectual property enforcement.
Subsequently, representatives from three leading industry organizations, Hewlett-Packard, Beiersdorf and Pfizer shared their insights on how they handled counterfeiting and smuggling in their respective industries, and interacted actively with the officers on the ways and means to counter the issue.
Mr. Shakil Ahmed, Head Global Security, South Asia, Pfizer stated that pharmaceutical counterfeiting was on the rise around the globe, potentially putting at risk the health of millions of patients. Spurious medicines posed a threat to patient health and safety due to the conditions under which they were manufactured and the lack of regulation of their contents. Despite the conditions under which they were manufactured, spurious medicines were virtually indistinguishable from the authentic medicines they pretended to be. Mr. Ahmed shared with the participants alarming examples and instances of counterfeit products of Pfizer along with counterfeit risk indicators and informed how their global security team was addressing the issue.
Mr. Anubhav Jain, Anti-Counterfeit I&E Manager, Hewlett-Packard informed that HP has created and invested in a variety of brand protection measures and anti-counterfeit programs. HP operates these programs globally and makes effort to provide awareness information to law enforcement that will facilitate the identification of illicit and infringing products in the marketplace. Mr. Jain emphasized that HP was committed to working with law enforcement to deter any and all attacks on its products and brand.
Mr. Santosh Dwivedi, Senior Investigator and Consultant, Beiersdorf shared the Nivea story. Mr. Dwivedi stated that in a recent seize a total of 582,000 counterfeit products were confiscated with a market value at wholesale price of over 2 crores in Mumbai, which was the largest seizure of counterfeits for Beiersdorf till date. Mr. Dwivedi also pointed out differentiators to indentify original and counterfeit products along with possible indicators of counterfeit consignments.
Mr. Dipankar Barkakati, Additional Director, FICCI proposed the Vote of Thanks.
The capacity building programme was attended by over 120 officers of Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise), in day-long interactive event.
Lear MoreWorld Anti Counterfeiting Day, New Delhi
5/06/2014 | New Delhi
FICCI CASCADE (Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy) celebrated excellence on World Anti Counterfeiting Day on June 05, 2014 at FICCI by recognizing best performing officers from Delhi Police and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence for their distinguished work in handling cases related to counterfeiting and smuggling. Sub Inspector, Sandeep Kumar from Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police was awarded Best Investigation Officer, Delhi Police for his exceptional skills in investigation of counterfeiting and smuggling activities. In the last six months Mr. Kumar had seized articles of estimated value of Rs. 7,70,000/- approximately. Mr. M. Arun Kanth, Deputy Director, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Chennai Zonal Unit was awarded Best Performing Officer from DRI for his distinguished work in enforcement of anti counterfeiting and anti – smuggling laws. FICCI CASCADE also awarded winners of the Interschool and intercollegiate elocution competition ‘Youth Against Counterfeiting and Smuggling’ which was held earlier this month. Mr. Manoj Kumar Parida, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Government of India, Chief Guest at the event felicitated the winners. While addressing the programme, Mr. Parida urged the stakeholders to join hands to ensure that quality and originality of the product is assured and punishment is meted out to the defaulters. He said that the consumers must be convinced against buying fake and cheap products and deterrent punishments must be awarded to defaulters and those indulging in counterfeiting. The programme was attended by senior officials from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Customs, Delhi Police and Industry members.
Lear MoreElocution Competition: Youth Against Counterfeiting And Smuggling, New Delhi
12/05/2014 | New Delhi
With the unrelenting growth of illicit trade through counterfeiting and smuggling, FICCI CASCADE has been continuously campaigning against these activities. However, as the problem of counterfeiting and smuggling has led to more financial, economic and social crisis, we now need to revisit, rethink and test new approaches to this socio-economic challenge.
FICCI CASCADE has started a youth movement across the country to spread awareness among the young minds and seek their support to underpin the fight against counterfeiting and smuggling. Such a movement has offered the opportunity to bring in more people, particularly youngsters to push forward its actions to curb counterfeiting and smuggling.
In order to pick the brain of the youth, FICCI CASCADE organised an on-the-spot Elocution Competition for students on the theme “Youth Against Counterfeiting and Smuggling” on 12th May, 2014 at 10:00 am at FICCI Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi.
The key objective of the competition was to inspire the youth to take required actions to discourage and stop the purchase of counterfeit and smuggled goods.
The contest witnessed enthusiastic and active participation of 60+ school and college students most of whom were very impressive in expressing their concern on and the need to curb these illegal trade practices. The competition provided a unique stage to the young minds to express their views on diverse issues like “Terrorism Financing through Smuggling”, “India – A Victim of Smuggling”, “India’s Brand Integrity at Stake due to Counterfeiting and Smuggling” etc…
Ms. Oorja Mishra from Basava International School and Ms. Pavneet Kaur from Skyline Business School won the first prizes in the elocution competition in the school and college categories, respectively. All the winners will be felicitated at a formal function on “World Anti Counterfeiting Day 2014” at FICCI with certificates of recognition as well as cash awards.
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Customs Training Programme, Delhi
30/04/2014 | Delhi
Smuggling and counterfeiting in India are growing in scope and magnitude with every passing day. The extent and effects of smuggling and counterfeiting are of such significance that they compel strong and sustained action from governments, enforcement agencies, business, media, legal experts and consumers.
More effective enforcement is critical in this regard, as we need to build public support to combat smuggling and counterfeiting. With this view FICCI CASCADE organised a training program of Customs officers to sensitize them on the menace of smuggling and counterfeiting, in Delhi on 30th April, 2014.
Ms. Neeta Lall Butalia, Commissioner of Customs, Delhi shared her views and insights on the menace of counterfeiting and smuggling. She addressed the gathering and invited FICCI CASCADE to conduct more such training programmes for Customs officials in the future.
Mr. Dipankar Barkakati, Additional Director, FICCI in his special address, highlighted the initiatives taken by FICCI CASCADE so far and emphasised on the need to curb smuggling and counterfeiting by strengthening the legal and regulatory frameworks, enhancing enforcement and generating awareness of the consumers on the need to fight the twin menace.
The training programme was attended by over 35 Customs officials and provided a useful platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences in the detection and prevention of the entry of counterfeit and smuggled goods into the country.
Representatives of Dow Corning, Puma and Burberry gave presentations and exhibited samples of their original products alongside the counterfeit copies. The objective was to highlight the key technical aspects of their products which could facilitate the detection of counterfeit products. The participating Customs officials found the presentations constructive and interacted actively both with the company representatives and among themselves. It was decided that another training session would be organized by FICCI CASCADE for another batch of Customs Officers, in July 2014.
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Roundtable on Copyright Enforcement Tool Kit, New Delhi
29/04/2014 | New Delhi
Delhi Police Commissioner Mr. B S Bassi launched the Copyright Enforcement Tool Kit at FICCI’s ‘Roundtable on Copyright Enforcement Tool Kit’ on April 29, 2014. Addressing the round table, Mr. Bassi emphasized that copyrights are extremely important and must be respected and protected as they encourage innovation and creation. He assured the industry that the police department will protect the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the citizens, and in case of any violation it will investigate the occurrence professionally. He also urged that in the quest for protection of IPR the industry should not prevent dissemination of knowledge which is of society’s good. Mr. Anil Rajput, Senior Vice President-Corporate Affairs, ITC, Chair, FICCI CASCADE Committee and Co-chair, FICCI IP Committee, said that the Tool Kit devised by FICCI is a compilation to assist in understanding the concept of counterfeiting and piracy by giving different modes in which it takes place and the threat it could pose on innovation,national security and competition. The Kit also gives an outline of the regulatory framework for combating counterfeit and piracy in India. He added the document will serve as a ready reckoner to the enforcement officials, which contains all the relevant provisions of law, methodologies to detect counterfeit products and a checklist for the police officials while enforcing copyright with relevant statistics and data. The Kit was developed keeping in view the upsurge of technological developments which has made the protection of intellectual property an imperative issue to foster innovation and economic growth. The police department being the primary law enforcement agency administers the government’s economic, trade and tariff policies, handles international traffic of imports and exports and aids to minimize demerit goods from augmenting in the markets. With low barriers to market entry and infiltration, the police plays a significant role in ensuring and enforcing the protection of copyrights. Hence the need to devise a ready refrencer to assist and apprise the enforcement authorities of the various laws and tools enshrined therein to enforce Copyright Law is imperative. Copyright enforcement is of utmost importance for sustainable growth of the economy, said Mr. Hemant Singh, Managing Partner, INTTL ADVOCARE. Police is the primary law enforcement agency in India. Hence for protecting IPR, the Tool Kit is a step towards assisting the Police, serving as a ready reference for them.
Felicitation of Winners of the FICCI CASCADE Facebook Art Competition on Fake and Smuggled, New Delhi
24/03/2014 | New Delhi
With the idea to involve the creative energies of people on the issue of counterfeiting and smuggling, FICCI CASCADE organised a Facebook Art Competition on Fake and Smuggled Goods. The aim of the competition was to engage people on the issue of counterfeiting & smuggling and deepen their understanding of “grey markets” for counterfeit & smuggled goods and its impact on the society. The competition was announced on the FICCI CASCADE Facebook page on November 21, 2013.
FICCI CASCADE invited entries in the form of posters, slogans, paintings, drawing, comics and caricatures. An overwhelming response of 50 plus entries was received for the competition. The best entries were judged by Mr. Atul Chaturvedi, Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Govt. of India and Mr. Anil Rajput, Chairman, FICCI CASCADE.
The winners were felicitated by Mr. Atul Chaturvedi, Joint Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Govt. of India on March 24, 2014 at the Federation House, New Delhi.
The winners were as follows:
First Prize: Ms. Jayanti, Tiwari. Awarded a cash prize of Rs. 35, 000/ –
Second Prize: Mr. Manash Pratim. Awarded a cash prize of Rs. 25, 000/-
Third Prize: Ms. Kalyani Nerurkar. Awarded a cash prize of Rs. 15,000/-
People’s Favourite: A separate category was announced where the picture getting maximum likes was awarded a prize money of Rs. 25,000. Mr. Smridh Makkar won this award by getting over 300+ likes on his creativity.
The competition was organised to gain engagement from large cross section of society and to encourage them to voice out their ideas on this issue through creative art work which was successfully received and carried out. This helped in not only empowering communities for action but also strengthening their social responsibility.
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IP Protect Expo – Brand Protection in Action, London
11/3/2014 | London
It has been developed for the industry by the industry to address current issues and solutions for global intellectual property protection. The two day event offers a trade exhibition and conference, focussing on practical aspects of trademark, copyright and design right protection.The event is hosted by ACG http://www.a-cg.
There is also an IP Protection Training Day, run by the ACG, taking place as well on the 11th of March.
Below are links for more details
About the conference : http://www.ip-protectexpo.com/
About the exhibition: http://www.ip-protectexpo.com/the-exhibition.htm
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