Fake cosmetics worth Rs 1 crore seized
You might be wondering why you are not getting the desired ‘googly-woogly wush’ cheeks despite repeatedly applying a particular cream bought in the state and its capital; because, it’s fake. A team comprising Patna police sleuths and the officials of the company making the original product conducted raid at a manufacturing unit at Noon ka Chauraha under Khajekala police station area in Patna City on Tuesday and seized fake products of Pond’s range worth Rs 1 crore.The company’s officials have been regularly checking retail shops selling the fake of its brand products in different localities of the town for the last couple of months. But after two years, the team could locate a factory producing such products in Patna City. Mustafa Hussain, an official of the company’s legal department, said, “The factories are located in densely populated residential areas. It becomes difficult to get the factories details but this time we succeeded in unearthing one factory. However, its owner, Mohammed Nazir Alam, managed to escape.
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