Fake goods seized in Darlington
Darlington police seized thousands of pounds worth of fake designer items in a raid at a house on the Red Hall estate. The counterfeit goods included Gucci, Chanel, Bulgari and Armani-branded watches as well as fake Louis Vuitton and Gucci handbags, counterfeit Ugg boots and Barbour jackets. A man pleaded guilty to possession of counterfeit goods with a view to selling them at Darlington Magistrates’ Court last month and was fined £640. The goods, thought to amount to several thousands of pounds in value, were handed to Darlington Council’s trading standards team for investigation and will now be destroyed. Chris McEwan, Darlington Council’s cabinet member leading on trading standards, said: “Making and selling counterfeit goods is not a victimless crime – these goods, and the people who sell them on, have a huge impact on legitimate traders who are trying to go about their business in today’s tough times. People buying the items are also possibly at risk – who knows what quality and standards the items are. “The hard work of the police and trading standards have made sure these fake goods will be off the streets and destroyed but the sad fact is more could be in circulation already.
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