FICCI CASCADE Conference on Trade in Counterfeit, Pirated and Smuggled Goods – A Threat to India’s National Security and Economy, New Delhi
19/9/2013 | Imperial Hotel, New Delhi
Markets for illicit goods and services are an escalating problem that adversely impact legitimate industries, public health and consumer trust, government revenues and economies as a whole. This conference, organized by the FICCI Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy (CASCADE),with support from Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP), an initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will look at the economic consequences of counterfeiting and piracy, and explore what is needed from the public and private sectors to deter this activity.
Discussions will contribute to an integrated vision of State security and public safety, providing an interdisciplinary dialogue which will attract industry regulators, state agencies, customs authorities, law enforcement, major producers of consumer goods, consumer associations and NGO’s. The objective is to deepen the understanding of “grey markets” for counterfeit and pirated commercial goods in India, including the domestic markets for these goods and the export and import of such goods from and to India.
The discussions will assess the impact on government, consumers and legitimate businesses, and promote effective strategies by the public and private sectors to dismantle this illicit activity.
This event will be an opportunity for government officials and experts to exchange views and put forward practical recommendations to resolve the problem of the counterfeiting and piracy in India.
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