FICCI-CASCADE Seminar on ‘Curbing Counterfeiting and Smuggling – An Imperative for Indian Economy, West Bengal
23/4/2013 | Kolkata
The 9th consultation was in augurated by Shri Sadhan Pande, Hon’ble Minister-in-Charge, Department of Consumer Affairs, GoWB. Hon’ble Minister pointed out that counterfeiting is detrimental to the Government, the original brand owner, the consumer and it has socio economic impacts as well. TheGovernment loses taxes, adopts expensive preventive measures and has to compensate for public healthcare and welfare. Consumer Affairs Department has given paramount importance to generate awareness. Different activities relating to consumer protection are being carried out with greater momentum than before. The do-s and don’t s are highlighted, also seminars on consumer education involving consumer activists, students, NGOs and other stakeholders are being arranged.
Mr. Gaurav Swarup, Chairman, FICCI West Bengal State Council in his welcome address said counterfeiting which is termed as the crime of the 21st century accounts for almost 10% of the current global trade. Intensifying consumer awareness is one of the ways out to curb counterfeit and there is a need to develop a proactive strategy to create mass awareness on this increasingly growing peril. The seminar was attended by over 140 representatives from Government, Industry, Consumer organizations, leading NGOs, Media and other stakeholders.
The key points which emerged from the deliberations are as follows:
1. There is a need to generate and spread more awareness on the hazardous impact of contrabandand counterfeit products by all stakeholders
2. Brand owners must also take an active part and more dedicated efforts to be put in by the industry
3. Generate awareness of personnel not only at regular channels of trade, but at all points of influx including border police and coast guard
4. There is adequate legal framework but more effective and strengthened enforcement is required
5. To ensure effective enforcement adequate funding is necessary along with developing relevant
expertise, information and knowledge base and most importantly willingness to enforce
6. Form special cell in enforcement branch only to tackle with problem of counterfeiting
7. Use of civil remedies, to ensure that complainant persists till the end of the litigation
8. Industry should register trademark with the enforcement authorities and customs
9. Provision for a 5 year plan with specific focus on eradication of the problem of counterfeiting.
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