Gold Of Rs 5.6 crore seized from 57 passengers at Tiruchy airport In Tamil Nadu
On Friday, investigators from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence foiled a significant attempt at smuggling and confiscated gold worth about Rs 5.6 crore in Tiruchy. According to sources, three teams on duty at the airport screened passengers from two Malaysian aircraft, a Singapore airline, and one from Dubai. From 57 people, the crews were able to retrieve around 11 kg of gold. This is DRI’s largest seizure of the year in Tiruchy.
Meanwhile, the DRI apprehended two airline passengers and members of the cabin staff in April and collected 2.5 kilogramme of gold from them. The DRI foiled many inventive smuggling schemes last year in which gold was hidden inside toothpaste, cosmetics, and beauty products. A traveller was taken hostage from the airport by a smuggling racket ring in March 2021.
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