International engagement with stakeholders, Paris
28/5/2013 | Paris
FICCI CASCADE was represented in various national and international fora over this year. CASCADEreceived accolades for its work on outreach and capacity building with enforcement agencies.
Some of the key forums are:
- OECD workshop on “Assessing the Harms of Illicit Trade”, Paris, October 2012
- INTERPOL training of Police officials of SAARC countries , Mumbai , November 2012
- Membership of Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group (GACG) , Paris , December 2012
- IP Expo, London, February 2013
- Global Congress on Curbing Counterfeiting and Piracy, Istanbul, April 2013
- GACG Annual Meeting, Beijing, May 2013
World Anti-Counterfeiting Day 2013, ParisFICCI CASCADE has earned a Global Recognition Award awarded by the Global Anti-CounterfeitingGroup, Paris in the Association category on the 28th May 2013. This Award is an accolade recognizing FICCI-CASCADE for its work so far which has been achieved with the continued support of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs and is an excellent example of a public-private partnership. This award is the result of continued and sustained campaign by FICCI CASCADE over the last twelve months.
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