Maharashtra: 3 lakh N95 masks seized from the godowns in Andheri and Bhiwandi which were to be sold in black market
Amid the scare of the deadly coronavirus epidemic where the state is facing the shortage of masks and other essential commodities, the Maharashtra police seized masks in abundance from the godowns of Andheri and Bhiwandi which is being reported to stored for black marketing. While talking to media, Home Minister of Maharashtra revealed that 25 lakh masks including 3 lakh N95 masks valued at Rs 15 crore were seized from godowns in Andheri and Bhiwandi. The masks were stored for black marketing.
Anil Deshmukh said that 4 arrests have been made in this case so far while two accused have been absconding. 0/03/maharashtra-n95-masks-seized-black-market-coronavirus/
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