In a significant operation, the Pune Crime Branch Unit 2 has seized counterfeit Puma merchandise worth ₹8,02,600 from a shop in Ambegaon Budruk, Katraj. The goods, including bags, t-shirts, sports shoes, sliders, jackets, trousers, and boxer pants, were being sold under the guise of authentic Puma products, deceiving customers into buying counterfeit items.The raid was conducted on December 3, 2024, after receiving credible information about the illegal sale of fake branded goods across various locations in the city.
According to police officials, the seized goods were part of a larger network selling fake products in Pune, deceiving consumers with fraudulent branding. The authorities have warned the public to be cautious when purchasing branded items, advising them to always check for authenticity.This raid is part of ongoing efforts by Pune’s Crime Branch to crack down on the sale of counterfeit products, which pose a significant threat to both consumers and the legitimate businesses that suffer losses due to such illegal practices. The police have urged citizens to report any suspicious activities related to the sale of fake goods.The action against fake goods underscores the commitment of the Pune police and the Puma company to protect consumers and uphold intellectual property rights.