Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy

Shanshak Karnad

Shanshak Karnad

Mr. Shashank Karnad, a qualified Chartered Accountant (India) and a Certified Fraud Examiner (USA) is a Partner with the Forensic practice, leading the Consumer and Industrial Markets sector. He has over 20 years professional experience in the areas of dispute advisory services, internal audit, corporate governance, fraud risk management and fraud investigations. He was also seconded as Finance Controller to a Fortune-1000 company’s Indian subsidiaries in 2004. In March 2010, he returned from Dubai, UAE, where he was seconded to the KPMG Lower Gulf practice as Forensic leader to set up the Forensic practice. During his eleven years with KPMG, he has managed large engagements for clients across industry sectors. He has also led numerous FCPA investigations, and enterprise risk management, business advisory and internal audit projects for large Indian and MNC clients across sectors.