Three more held in fake memory card racket
Three more persons were arrested by the Kurla Government Railway Police (GRP) in connection with the fake phone memory card racket. The trio, all dealers of fake cards, were picked up from Thane station on Thursday. The accused used a mixture of molten tar and bottle caps and wrapped it in plastic to resemble memory cards, peddling them on foot overbridges and outside railway stations.”We have arrested Shahbaz Khan, 19, Imran Khan 19 and Mohammed Afsar Ali Khan, 19 on Thursday. Around 1000 fake memory cards and 10 fake pen drives were seized from them. A railway court has remanded the trio to police custody till December 29,” a GRP official said. The total number of arrests in the case has now gone up to six the GRP had arrested three persons on Tuesday and seized 600 memory cards from them.During investigation, the police found that original memory cards were sold in the market for Rs 400, while the accused peddled the fake memory cards for as low as Rs 20, attracting a large number of customers. The cost involved in manufacturing fake memory cards is only Rs 3.50. The accused would operate at one location only for an hour.
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