A 24-year-old man, who learnt how to print fake notes by watching YouTube videos, was arrested by the Bengaluru city police Wednesday. The police said the youth used to provide counterfeit currency notes worth Rs 4 lakh in lieu of Rs 1 lakh genuine notes. The arrested was identified as Pullalarevu Raju, a native of Anantapur of Andhra Pradesh. He was arrested along with his associates Mannela Gopinath (26), Charan Singh (47) and his younger sister R Rajani (38). All the accused hail from various parts of Andhra Pradesh. A police officer said, “Raju, who wanted to make quick money, started watching YouTube on how to prepare fake currency notes. Two months ago, he bought the necessary materials and started printing fake notes.”
Youth held in Bengaluru for printing, circulating fake notes; cops say he learnt from YouTube videos
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